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How we grow

Dreamseeds is a company that grows seeds in the mediterrean climate, under the Spanish sun.


Our crew controls the whole process to be sure that all our fields are 100% free of diseases. To avoid genetic abnormalities we are using healthy, strong and original motherplants to grow.


The fields we are working on are naturally rich source which is in a good balance. To keep the balance, we change from one field to another and when changed the last used field will be untouched, resulting in the grow of bad herps (mala hierba, we call it). The bad herps will make the source 100% rich within one year and we can switch over again.
On our land we are using water from a natural source, with only biologic additions. No chemicals are being used! None…


As soon as we get the seeds on hand, they will be sorted out to be sure that only the best and biggest seeds will reach the customers. This proces is going automaticly, using a self designed machine for it.

Because the fields we grow on are limited in size, we are not able to increase the amount of seeds we can offer. This makes our seeds even more wanted.

The distribution takes place from Spain, mainly to The Netherlands, but we have also customers from Portugal and Italy.